Product Description
Surge is a painting of contrasts. Extremely bright hues of red and pink clash and mix intuitively with cool and dark blues – Surging with color and life in this rife, gritty backstreet of Brickfields in KL. Low cost housing and shops on the right, which are existed over half a century old; built in the 60’s and 70’s. These shapes lead the eye towards the focal point in the center. Looking away into the distance, high rise condominiums and some newly built commercial complexes and buildings loom. A heady mix of futurism and old school. These are the references that informs my work, a mishmash that is Kuala Lumpur’s architectural style. Where the old meets the new. Where chaos meets order. Where darkness meets light.
Surge 是一幅对比鲜明的画作,非常明亮的红色和粉红色与冷色调的深蓝色碰撞并直观地混合 – 展现着在繁华与坚韧性格的吉隆坡 Brickfields 后街的各种色彩和生命。右侧的低成本住房和商店,多数是具有半个多世纪,建于 60 年代和 70 年代的建筑。视线从老建筑往中心点移动,遥望远处可以看见高层公寓和一些新建的商业综合体和建筑物若隐若现,未来主义和老派强烈的碰撞交融。这样的景观指引着我的创作方针:展现吉隆坡的建筑风格大杂烩,旧与新相遇的地方,混乱与秩序相遇的地方,黑暗与光明相遇的地方。