Product Description
Very few of my cityscapes are painted in this size, only 2 exist in the world. “Confluence” is created a unique size that allows me to render the image in very high detail. Orange and green are almost complimentary in color. Vibrant green pigments were used in making this work, creating strong contrasts with the warm hues. It leaps out at the eyes and the senses. In the work, the vanishing horizon points are a main feature. This particular reference picture was taken standing atop a bridge walkway, just above the Gombak river in Kuala Lumpur. This exact spot gave birth to the city’s name. The mosque is the meeting point, the confluence of the 2 rivers where they meet and join into one. Hence, I’ve indicated the faraway lights on the left and right sides of the work. The middle section is an exaggerated version of hotels and skyscrapers imbued in neon-like hues. Compositionally, it’s very extreme and busy. I wanted to depict a mood. A moment where the misty flowing river meets the hard edged realities of bright lights, shining forth through the darkness of the night.
我的城市景观很少有这么大的尺寸,世界上只有 2 幅。 我为“Confluence”创建一个独特的尺寸,使我能够更着重图像的细节描绘。橙色和绿色在颜色上几乎是互补的,这件作品采用了富有活力的绿色颜料,与温暖的色调形成强烈对比,为视觉感官带来丰富的体验。这件作品的一大特色是没有明显的地平线点,我特别站在吉隆坡鹅麦河 (Gombak River)上方的一座桥上人行道上拍摄这样的场景,这个地点催生了这座城市吉隆坡(Kuala Lumpur)的名字。清真寺是两条河流汇合的中心点,因此,我在作品的左侧和右侧描绘了远处的灯光。中间部分是充满夸张的霓虹色调的酒店和摩天大楼。在构图上城市看起来非常极端和忙碌,但我想描绘一种心境,当朦胧流动的河流与灯火照耀下轮廓清晰的城市景观合而为一,在同一个黑夜下共同闪耀着。