Product Description
One of the very few 5×5 feet paintings in the cityscape collection, is Lumen. In latin, Lumen means light. Rich washes of raw umber escalate the painting in different parts, giving it an aged look. This is a reference of Petaling Street; stylised in blacks, umber and large planes of bright white light. I wanted to achieve a strong balance of contrasts; large shapes in the foreground permeate the painting, balanced in part by smaller shapes and hints of faraway happenings in the horizon, where Petaling Street resides. The lines streak upwards, cutting the image plane into halves, segregating the image into abstract and smaller planes of focus. Paint is applied thickly and allowed to do what paint naturally does; coagulate, flow and thin itself out with large amounts of turpentine washes – A design factor that’s apparent in most of my other works.
“Lumen”是城市景观系列中少数的 5×5 英尺画作之一。在拉丁语中,Lumen 的意思是光。浓厚晕染的棕褐色为作品提升至不一样层次,也未画面带来一点历史感。这件作品以茨厂街为参考,黑色、棕褐色和大面积的白色光线,在画面呈现出强烈的对比平衡。大面积的色块占据前景,和远端较小的形状以及水平线上隐约出现的茨厂街街景达成视觉平衡。垂直线条向上延伸将画面切割成许多抽象和较小色块,油彩涂得很厚,和大量的松节油洗涤液凝结、流动和稀释,产生出油彩既有的特色,这样的创作技巧经常利用在我的其他作品中。