Product Description
Among one of my favourite streets to shoot reference images, is Jalan Tun HS Lee. Rows upon rows of colonial shophouses – a Malaysian trademark, line both sides of the street. On the right is an old Indian / Hindu temple. Highly stylised, this painting was one of the first cityscapes painted in 2020. Almost effortlessly, the painting formed itself. I applied minimal use of crimson red pigments to highlight the vehicles that move away from the viewer, giving a sense of movement and direction. A point of focus. By this time in the work, I had reached a wider appreciation and understanding of abstraction in my works. And this is apparent in the mark making here – giving the painting much-needed grit, texture and looseness. “Timbre” builds upon and reflects this strength and confidence I felt while making the work.
Jalan Tun HS Lee 是我最喜欢拍摄参考照片的地点之一。一排排殖民时期的店屋——马来西亚的标志,排列在街道两旁。右边是一座古老的印度/印度教寺庙。这幅具有独特风格的作品是 2020 年绘制的首批城市景观之一,这幅画几乎毫不费力地自己形成。我以低限度的深红色颜料来突出远离视线的车辆,给人一种运动和方向感,一个焦点。这个时期,我从我的创作中对抽象有更深层的概念,抽象风格赋予这幅作品非常需要的坚持、纹理和客观。“Timbre”(音色)反映了我在创作时感受到的这种力量和信心。