Product Description
This painting plays on contrasts in the warm and cool spectrum of colours which I captured based on my reference images of Brickfields KL. In the vanishing horizon, the MRT line towers a few stories above street level, currently unfinished and used as a parking space for the trains, sometimes. As the eye nears the foreground, abstract shapes take precedence, getting looser and more relaxed as we near the immediate forefront. This gives the viewer a sense of space lost and found. I’ve taken the liberty to simplify a lot of the image, inadvertently giving the impression that pieces of the scene are breaking apart or reforming in the centre, right before your eyes. It’s not my intention to paint scenes with lots of details, but in a more reasonable way of painting the mood of the city and its energy.
这幅画是以吉隆坡Brickfields 做为参考,作品呈现暖色和冷色光谱中形成对比。在消失的地平线上,有一条高出街道几层的地铁线,目前尚未完工,有时用作火车的停车位。前景是一片抽象块状,越往观者方向,抽象结构变得更松散,这给观众一种失落和发现的空间感。我将景观大幅度的简化,在不经意间打碎场景的片段或者将场景重新聚合在视线中心。我并不打算用很多细节来描绘场景,而是以一种更合理的方式来描绘城市的情绪和能量。