b. 1975
Selangor, Malaysia

Artist CV

Mat ali mat som

“My mission is however not to challenge historical archives or documentation but to remind the younger generation of the many local warrior who all may one day disappear to oblivion.”

Mat Ali Mat Som was born in 1975. Graduated in Fine Art from University Institute Technology Mara (UiTM) in 1997. He has won the third prize in the KL Sentral Sculpture Contest (1997) and Honorable Mention at the Philip Morris Malaysia Arts Awards, Kuala Lumpur (1999).

Mat Ali is heavily inspired by his past Silat Gayung education. In Mat Ali’s paintings and sculptures, we can see that horses play a significant role in it because horse is a symbol of power and majesty. Horses are adapted to run and have an excellent sense of balance. Therefore, he took horse images and imply the strength of Silat movements, while also carry the Malaysian heroic stories. Among Asian martial arts, “Horse Stance” is the basic posture before fights and defenses. Emperors rode on their horses were common subjects of royal art to express emperors’ greatness.


Mat Ali Mat Som出生于1975年。1997年毕业于马来西亚科技大学(UiTM)的美术专业。他曾获得1997年吉隆坡中央车站雕塑比赛的第三名,并于1999年在吉隆坡的Philip Morris Malaysia Arts Awards马来西亚艺术奖中获得荣誉奖。

Mat Ali深受他过去的Silat Gayung教育的启发。在他的绘画和雕塑作品中,我们可以看到马扮演着重要角色,因为马是力量和威严的象征。马能奔跑,并具有出色的平衡感。因此,他使用马的形象暗示了Silat运动的力量,同时也传达了马来西亚英雄故事。在亚洲武术中,“马步”是战斗和防御之前的基本姿势。皇帝骑马是皇家艺术中常见的主题,以表达皇帝的伟大。


Participating artist of ‘WARNA WARNI’ group exhibition. Held by Art Voice Gallery in 2023.


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The Pahlawan series are mainly inspired from the traditional Malaysian martial art and culture, called Silat. It is a posture of a warrior in perfect balance. To obtain victory, a warrior has to remain standing in battle. There are many forms in Silat. But before one could make any form, one needs a solid foundation grounded just like martial art.



Mitochondria series is inspired by the biological term ‘Mitochondria”, as so-called the powerhouse of the cell, that produce cellular energy for cell growth. Mitochondria does not only exist in human body, but also generates energy sources for plants and animals. Mitochondria sculptures visualize the term of energy and transform it onto the image of warrior. A warrior is always steady, neither defensive nor aggressive; therefore, to stay calm and alarm at all times in order to protect their life, family, properties, as well as desires. Once a warrior is defeated, a life also reaches the end.


These paintings was inspired by the main subject matter “Kuda“. It is derived from the Malay word, “Horse”. The horses represent resilience and stability. Horses are beasts of majesty and power. Even during times of war and strife, these animals represent stability and sure-footedness. Perhaps, that is the reason the term kuda-kuda is used in the ancient martial art.


The backstories of these paintings are the swift movements of warriors that were intended to stop and locks the attacks from their opponent in order to defeat them. The uses of these three color palette, which is black, white and red symbolises the firm and accuracy of the attacks and movements made by a warrior in order to win a battle. While, the horses in the background depicts the strengths and agile movements of a warrior in battle.



Metal on wooden plinth, 250×30×90cm, 2020


“Pegasus” is a mythical winged divine horse in Greek mythology. Mat Ali reshaped the seraphic creature by metal plates, covered with an armour-liked shape. The sculpture is pinned on a wood plint and the horse seems remaining poised for a quick action. “Pegasus” is a symbol of power, freedom and dynamic that always inspired us to keep moving forward for a better future.