b. 1979

Artist CV


BEZ is as the symbols of curiosity to mess around in pop culture and contemporary art scenes, as well as subconsciously  of Chris Tan’s childhood memories in 80’s.

“I have no idea where they came from, but I remembered the “bez” sounds coming from their head covered inside the paper bags. Interestingly, their light camouflaged bodies could transform into various forms blending into the scenes of pop culture and contemporary art.”

Chris Tan is a pop-art artist currently based in Malaysia. He self-learned art and received prizes for his innate talent since young. Inspired by the artist’s three year old kid putting her head into a paper bag, he designed BEZ – a troop of camouflaged aliens came from outer space that always shyly cover their heads in the special paper bags. Under influences of pop culture, street art and art history, BEZ is the avatar of Chris Tan explores possibilities of artistic expressions and eases boundaries of each art style.  

Chris Tan是一位现居马来西亚的波普艺术家。他自学艺术,自幼因天赋而获奖。受到自己三岁孩子将纸袋套头的动作启发,他的标志性创作BEZ——一群来自外太空的伪装外星人,总是害羞地用特殊的纸袋遮住头。在流行文化、街头艺术和艺术史的影响下,BEZ是在流行文化和当代艺术场景中四处游历的好奇心的象征,也潜意识地反应Chris在80年代的童年记忆。作为活跃的马来西亚本地艺术家,他于2020年在ZHAN Art Space举办了他的首场个展“Nephesh”,他也参与多场国内外群展,如TAKSU“Locals Only“、HOM Art”Trans Open“、“Main-Main’s Human Forms“等。他也获得各种设计奖项,包括Adobe AchievementInternational Awards和HiiiBrand Awards。



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