Product Description
Red series is made by Malaysian emerging artist Tony Ng
Red Series is inspired by the artist’s childhood memory with his grandmother. Red is Tony Ng’s favourite colour and red means happiness and fortune in Chinese culture. When Tony Ng was a child, he used to live with grandmother and had seen many Peranakan tableware at grandmother’s house. Although the artist is not the descendent of Peranakan, he is deeply influenced by multicultural environment in his growth background. For Tony Ng, Peranakan is not just one symbol of diverse cultures in Malaysia, but is more about an emotional connection between grandmother and him.
红色系列的灵感来自Tony Ng与他外婆的童年记忆。红色是Tony Ng最喜欢的颜色,红色在中国文化中意味着幸福和财富。Tony Ng小时候曾经和外婆住在一起,在外婆家里见过很多娘惹餐具。虽然艺术家不是娘惹的后代,但他的成长背景深受多元文化环境的影响。对于艺术家而言,峇峇娘惹不仅仅是马来西亚多元文化之一,更多的是外婆和他之间的情感联系。