Mat Ali Mat Som gets inspiration for The Silat Series from the main subject matter Kuda, which means “Horses” in Malay which represents resilience and stability. The term Kuda-Kuda is used in the ancient martial art form of Silat. Mat Ali learned Silat and visualised steps of kuda-kuda into this series in which they present the beauty of Malay martial arts. Mitochondria is a biological term and it implies energy. The artist transforms it to the image of a warrior. A warrior is continually steady, calm and alarm to defend his life, family, properties, as well as desires.
Mat Ali Mat Som was born in 1975. Graduated in Fine Art from University Institute Technology Mara (UiTM) in 1997. He has won the third prize in the KL Sentral Sculpture Contest (1997) and Honorable Mention at the Philip Morris Malaysia Arts Awards, Kuala Lumpur (1999).
Mat Ali Mat Som 的The Silat系列灵感来自于马来文字Kuda,马的意思。Kuda代表着韧性及稳定性。Kuda-Kuda指的是古代武术。Mat Ali学习马来武术及将他的想象力发挥到他的画作系列里。英文字Mitochondria 是生物术语,代表着能量。艺术家以战士的形式表达他对能量的理解。战士持续性的守护着生命,家庭,财产,以及欲望。
Mat Ali于1975年出生;1997年毕业于University Institute Technology Mara (UiTM)美术系。他曾获得KL Sentral Sculpture Contest (1997)第三名以及吉隆坡Philip Morris Malaysia Arts Awards, (1999) 荣誉奖。