New Gallery Display by Shiro Utafusa

New Gallery Display by Shiro Utafusa

New paintings by Shiro Utafusa are presenting at Art WeMe Contemporary Gallery, KL. At one of the gallery corners shows the latest Shiro Utafusa’s paintings that exclusively made for Malaysia.

Shiro Utafusa new paintings

In November, Japanese artist Shiro Utafusa visited Art WeMe Contemporary Gallery, Kuala Lumpur and had one month long stay in Kuala Lumpur. During his stay, he created the painting ARRRRRK Seven Gods/Evening on site and spent lots of pleasant time with fans and visitors.

Shiro Utafusa creates paintings at gallery
Shiro Utafusa creates paintings at gallery
Shiro Utafusa creates paintings at gallery
Shiro Utafusa_ARRRRRK Seven Gods Evening
Shiro Utafusa_ARRRRRK Seven Gods Sunrise

ARRRRRK Seven Gods/Sunrise & ARRRRRK Seven Gods/Evening
are inspired by Seven Gods of Fortune (七福神) in Japanese mythology. Seven Gods of Fortune are transformed to seven Kurukuruatama in the painting and they lead a ship is full of love and peace toward a better future.

Shiro Utafusa new paintings

Following Family subject in heart shape paintings, Shiro Utafusa creates another heart shape  series Kurucchio. This series is based on Shiro Utafusa’s story of Kurucchio’s adventure. This character is created as an Italian friend of Kurukuruatama when he visited Italy. Family is an important subject in the latest Shiro Utafusa’s paintings. He draws his family members in Kurukuruatama and Kurucchio style that highlight love is expanded in Shiro Utafusa’s life journey. After many adventures, home is the last destination for Shiro Utafusa.

Shiro Utafusa new paintings
Shiro Utafusa new paintings
Shiro Utafusa new paintings


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