b. 1975

Artist CV


Narate Kathong evokes a sense of peace and tranquillity in his landscape paintings. Thousands to millions of spots upon spots, as so-called Pointillism is his major art style. He employs the unique self-developed splashing technique based on the Pointillism. Using brushes and his fingers to breathe life into the lush greeneries, natural parks and deep forest. The cheerful and vibrant colours of his paintings capture viewer’s attention, thereby rejuvenating and delighting the viewer. His paintings create a unique platform for the viewers to immerse into the majestic composition, as though being transported to a surreal, yet nostalgic ground.

Born in 1975, Narate Kathong has Graduate School Certificate in Printing Arts, Raja Mangala University of Technology Pochang Campus, Bangkok. He has won 2nd award- Toshiba Art Award, Chiangmai,1991, 1st Award- Lions International Art Award, Chiangmai, 1993 and was nominated Finalists of the 2010 Creative Works Competition in London, England, 2010.


山水动静Rhythm of Landscape

  山水动静Rhythm of Landscape Artists: 散子Sanzi,高小云 Gao Xiao Yun, Saenkom Chansrinual & Narate Kathong Venue: [...]


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