Author Archives: Artweme

Art Central 2018

Event date: 27th.March-01st.April Event venue:Central Haborfront, Hong Kong VIP Preview : 26th March, 3-9pm Open to the public: 27-28th March, 11am-5pm、29th March, 11am-9pm、30th-31st March, 11am-7pm、1st April, 11am-5pm For more information参观信息: It is pleased to announce that Art WeMe Contemporary Gallery will join Art Central HK in this year again. From 26th March to 1st […]

Five Sen5es of The Westin Kuala Lumpur

Five Sen5es of The Westin Kuala Lumpur, PIN Prestige and Art WeMe bring hands together to present a food x art campaign with adorable and meaningful art installation by sculpture artist Ms. Liao Ying Hsi (廖迎晰). The art-complementing culinary experience is served up to and appreciated by the city’s elites in Kuala Lumpur. Hailing from […]

Liao Ying-Hsi

Liao YingHsi, born in Taichung, Taiwan. Liao graduated from the Western Painting Section, Graduate Institute of Fine Arts, Tunghai University. Liao relying on the reflection of the daily experiences and using the traditional classics as the transforming intermediary to present the ancient classical subjects in a modern technique, and then inflame a performance beyond viewer’s […]

Art WeMe Contemporary Gallery