1978 | China
“Play with sculpture” is Chinese sculptor Xia Hang’s concept of sculpture. The sense of “Play” is to break our common sense of sculpture and Xia Hang leads us to understand sculptures again by modern and joyful visual expression.
Xia Hang uses new and old technology to create sculptures. He applies computer algorithm to make every piece of elements and mortise and tenon joint, a traditional Chinese architecture technique, comprises metal and glass components together. On his sculptures, mechanic is no longer a negative term to indicate massive production, heartless connection with people or monotonous and dull movement. Instead, mechanic becomes romantic experience that brings us back to our childhood, a naïve era of full of imagination and creativity.
Xia Hang was born in 1978 in Shenyang, Liaoning Province, China. He graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts before going on to do a Master of Fine Arts in the sculpture department of China’s Central Academy of Fine Arts. In 2008, he had his first Solo Exhibition “Please Don’t Touch” in Beijing and two years later he had another Solo “Play & Fun” in Shanghai. Xia Hang also actively takes part in many group exhibitions around the world. His collectors mainly from China, Taiwan, Singapore, Moscow, Monaco, Geneva to name a few.
抛弃了雕塑初期泥稿的创作,也跳过了传统雕塑铸造和锻造的方式方法,夏航运用现代计算 机科技模拟零件制作和数据输出,将我们认知的“物”拆解后重组,再用拼插及中式卯榫方 法连接,使用现代材料、金属和玻璃,呈现出新的雕塑语言,颠覆了传统意义上我们对雕塑 作品制作的认知,一件完成的雕塑作品,少则上千件,多则上万件“零件”。精细到每一个 细小的部件,亦都是夏航自主设计制作完成,这样的方式方法,无疑加大了作品创作初期的 工作难度,花费更久的时间来完成电脑上每一个零件的绘制与修改,渲染与组合。如今,夏 航已熟练掌握了将其关注的“物”机械化的可能性,运用其设计的“零件”将我们习以为常 的“物”逐一“机械化”,冰冷、刚硬,艺术的将工业化氛围推到极致。
夏航1978年出生于中国辽宁省沈阳市。他毕业于鲁迅美术学院,获得美术学士学位,之后在中央美术学院雕塑系获得美术硕士学位。 2008年,他在北京举办了他的首次个展“请勿触摸”,两年后他又在上海举办了另一场“Play&Fun”。夏航还积极参加世界各地的许多群展。他的收藏家主要来自中国,台湾,新加坡,莫斯科,摩纳哥,日内瓦等等。