KIUM 张蔚琴
1968 | Malaysia
Kium’s ink paintings bring a new interpretation to Chinese paintings regarding the techniques and subject. She believes art is all about “Beauty and Passion”. In Kium’s paintings, subjects like flowers, trees, animals or abstract circles clusters are media for the artist to express her feeling about the circles of life. She emphasizes the subjects in heavy colours to show her joyfulness and happiness while seeing the beauty of life.
Kium was born in Taiping, Malaysia in 1968 and is currently living in Penang. Before that, she worked in Beijing for 17 years. Kium’s artworks have been selected to represent China at the International Art Fair in New York which was hosted by the United Nations. Also, her artworks have been exhibited in Moscow, Tokyo and many cities in China. Kium is a very active Chinese painting artist in contemporary art world.
Kium (张蔚琴) 的水墨作品呈现中国传统绘画技术与题材的创新诠释。她深信艺术代表着“美与热情”,她的作品中出现的题材如花、树,动物,或者是数个抽象而连续的圆圈,对Kium而言是抒展她对生命循环的情怀,她将这些题材覆盖上浓厚的色彩,诠释着她面对生命之美的喜悦与快乐。Kium , 1968年出生于马来西亚太平,目前生活于槟城。她的作品曾在联合国莫斯科、东京与纽约总部巡回展出,个展多次在中国各地进行,是一位活跃于当代艺坛的水墨艺术家。